I feel like commercials exist in the world with us and we have no say in whether we see them or don’t see them. And therefore they should serve the function of art. … they inhabit the world I live in and I want the world that I live in, quite selfishly, to be beautiful and to teach me something and to have artistic merit.
— Joe Connor

From part one of this excellent interview with Joe on Setnotes.

A misty landscape view of a minimal structure in open field at Rye Nature Reserve, with tall support poles and multiple tree trunk segments arranged in a circle as seating. The scene is bordered by wire fencing and stretches out to a hazy horizon where patches of water are visible in the distance.

Rye Nature Reserve, December 2024

Crude painting of four sun flowers on a white background painted onto the side of a delapidated telecom box in the bleak scrubland beside a carpark

Writing a blog is nothing like writing for publication. There is no preexisting audience you have to please. The audience is created as a reflection of your curiosity. A blog post is a very long and complex search query to find fascinating people and make them route interesting stuff to your inbox.
Henrik Karlsson

Your job as a writer is to imagine yourself into the lives of people who are not you . . . and, that way, provide a gateway for readers to also imagine themselves into the lives of others so that we can build up a community of shared understanding.”
—Caryl Phillips

I think this is what good documentary and portrait photography is doing too. You have to meet the subject as they are, without preconception or categorisation, so that your picture becomes a door into their world. The focus is on what makes them individual, rather than using them to illustrate a universal.

H/t Russell Davies

Painting of a phonebox by Keita Morimoto. The phonebox is lit with orange light and the background road, cars, trees and sky are tinged with green

Beautiful work by Keita Morimoto 森本啓太 , via Alan Jacobs.

“Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world.” —Bruno Barbey

Full length shot of girl wearing blue jeans and a white top standing on a tube platform with her hair blowing in the wind created by the tube train rushing into the station. The tube train is blurred from the movement.

Zen Didion

INTERVIEWER: There’s a certain aesthetic to the way you live. You once talked about using good silver every day.

DIDION: Well, every day is all there is.

Photography, for me, is a spontaneous impulse, the result of a constant awareness, which captures both a moment and eternity. Drawing, by contrast, expands on what our consciousness has taken from the moment. Photography is an action, drawing is a meditation.
—Henri Cartier Bresson

A fun and opinionated set of rules for photography from photographer and former teacher Charles H. Traub — Do’s and Don’ts (found via Andy Adams newsletter, FlakPhoto).

And some of my own photography rules and advice from my (currently hibernating) newsletter here.

meandering line of water prints of bird footsteps on grey walkway that look like lots of little arrows pointing one way and then the other. There is a large puddle reflecting a blue sky that fills most of the top half of the frame and two parrellel lines of water that run from the bottom edge just right of centre to exit the left hand edge of frame, just above the midpoint of that side. There are three fatter, less distinct pigeon foot prints below the double lines in the bottom left corner.
View through a window of a blonde woman washing the glass on the other side. The smeared soap suds and the green cloth in her hand are obscuring her face. She is standing on a balcony and residential buildings are visible in the background
Looking across the top of a construction fence towards the bare branches of a pollarded tree on the right of frame, which almost touch the red tipped ends of the scaffolding structure, wrapped with blue netting, that abuts the end of a London local authority housing block on the left of frame. The sky behind is clear and blue.

Meditations for Mortals and other Reading

“If you don’t prioritise the skill of just doing something, you risk falling into an exceedingly sneaky trap, which is that you end up embarking instead on the unnecessary and, worse, counterproductive project of becoming the kind of person who does that sort of thing.” —Oliver Burkeman

I’m reading a chapter a day from Oliver Burkeman’s pragmatic and wise new book Meditations for Mortals. This has been an apt way to approach a book which suggests that daily-ish is a perfect tempo for the important things in life. It’s allowed me to hold each chapter’s core idea in mind as I move through the world — seeing if it feels true and if there is a space where I can apply it.

I like the central conceit: that it’s impossible to do everything that you need or want to do, and that accepting your finitude sets you free to act without drama, as and where necessary. You can give up the delusion that you will ever be ‘done’ — that one day the conditions will be right for you to do the thing you’ve been putting off. Instead you can look for decisions that you can take now, merely do a thing that needs to be done, and move forward without agonising or procrastinating.

As the chapters are short, I’m enjoying using any remaining reading time to rotate through a small collection of books, dipping in here and there. I’ve previously been someone who dourly ploughs through one book at a time, resolute about finishing, even if my progress has slowed to a crawl, but I’ve been reading much more since I finally took Austin Kleon’s advice to ditch books that bore you and flit around to keep things fresh. (I also like his advice about letting books talk to each other). The first essay in the Calvino collection (below) is about the quality of ‘lightness’ in literature, and recently I find that it applies to many other aspects of life. There is something about loosening your grip, a certain allowing, that makes doing hard things easier. In fact, perhaps the secret is that treating hard things as hard is a recipe for proving yourself right.

In the mix at the moment:

  • Meditations for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
  • In Writing by Hattie Crisell
  • Six Memos for the New Millenium by Italo Calvino
  • The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu
  • The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch
  • A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander
View out of the window of the library at Cliveden. There are armchairs on either side of the window in the foreground, and the grounds stretch towards the trees on the horizon, with a large ornamental garden visible to the left of the wide lawn

View from the library at Cliveden House.

Large fake prop plant in pot backstage at the Old Vic theatre. The plant stands inside a square of white tape on the black floor. Writing on the tape says 'large plant'. There are various items in the black shelves behind the plant: rigging helmets, Henry vacuums, rope bags, and ladders

Backstage at the Old Vic

View from a high balcony looking out over low council terraces and trees. A bar runs through the centre of the frame and the left hand side of the frame is a misaligned reflection of the view on the right

Is it still street photography when you do it on a farm, but the farm is a city farm?

Volunteer at Kentish Town City Farm feeding goats. She is hiding the food from the goat that is stood on a concrete block, by holding it in her hands behind her back, but a second goat that is standing behind her is straining up to steal it. In the background you can see railway tracks and a railway bridge.

“Photography can be a mirror and reflect life as it is, but I also think that perhaps it’s possible to walk like Alice through the looking-glass, and find another world with the camera —Tony Ray-Jones

Bonus link: lovely B&W pics of Brits by the seaside by Ray-Jones

Overlooking Coal Drops Yard.

Out of focus grille in foreground, circles of sunlight picking out intersections on metal grille seen through the foreground one.
Two pigeons walking along a ledge. Their undercarriages are light with a bright orange light like a boy racer's underlit car

William Eggleston at the piano on NTS

Portrait of photographer William Eggleston smoking at a piano with white metal blinds behind him.

William Eggleston by Stefan Ruiz

A lovely confluence of three things that I love at one link: William Eggleston, NTS, and contemporary classical/ambient music:

William Eggleston 23rd July 2024 | NTS

Black and white portrait of photographer William Eggleston at a piano with white metal blinds behind him. His hand is resting just above the hammers in the interior of the baby grand

William Eggleston by Jody Rojac

The colour photography legend is as steeped in music as in the visual arts (at times referring to music as his first calling), and makes exploratory compositions on piano and synthesiser. Eggleston’s music remained unreleased until 2017’s Musik LP and this is a delicate and rare hour of his music alongside work from Harold Budd, Karl Richter, Eno and others. It’s a finely textured and mellow set that is perfect for editing sessions or kicking back and dissolving into.

Cover of William Eggleston's Musik LP. The central photograph shows Eggleston sat at a low electric piano, with his back to the camera. There is a blue window pan on the right hand side of the frame that divides the picture in half

The images in this post show a few of my favourite portraits of Eggleston at the piano. He is a wonderful portrait subject — soulful and present, elegant and a little scruffy. Juergen Teller has also shot a set of him sans piano that are excellent too.

William Eggleston playing a battered baby grand piano at night on a roadside illuminated by a bar's glowing sign

William Eggleston by Juergen Teller

“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.”