Portrait of four young men sitting on a park bench in Primrose Hill. From L to R they are wearing: grey puffer and red doo rag, khaki cargo pants and olive hoodie, light grey joggers and black hoodie, red, black and white varsity jacket and black cargo pants.

Ade & friends, Primrose Hill, June 2024

I was walking back from the outdoor gym in Primrose Hill, feeling knackered from a couple of weeks of full days and late nights. I saw these guys squeezed onto the bench together, having a great time, and thought it would make a good picture, so I decided to ask them for a portrait. But as I got closer to them, and before I could say anything, Ade, on the left, called out to me and said, “You look like you could do with a hug…” And when I laughed and said, “Yes, that would be great”, he got up and gave me a bearhug. They were great, so warm and relaxed. We chatted a bit, I took a few pictures, and they asked what my ‘top photography tip’ was. Such a sweet and fun encounter.

Unfortunately, a huge rain storm blasted through five minutes after I’d walked on, putting an end to their chilled afternoon in the park. I jogged home and arrived soaked through.