: A fun and opinionated set of rules for photography from photographer and former teacher Charles H. …




: Meditations for Mortals and other Reading “If you don’t prioritise the skill of just doing something, you risk falling into an …

: View from the library at Cliveden House.

: ↑ LARGE PLANT ↑ Backstage at the Old Vic


: Is it still street photography when you do it on a farm, but the farm is a city farm?

: “Photography can be a mirror and reflect life as it is, but I also think that perhaps …

: Overlooking Coal Drops Yard.



: William Eggleston at the piano on NTS William Eggleston by Stefan Ruiz A lovely confluence of three things that I love at one link: …

: “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” —Rumi

: Ade & friends, Primrose Hill, June 2024 I was walking back from the outdoor gym in Primrose …

: “Listen to what your work is trying to tell you, because it is the mother of your next …

: According to Zola a work of art “is a corner of nature seen through a temperament”. Via …


: A Broad Church Paulie B’s Walkie Talkie series is one of my favourite aspects of photography YouTube. I loved …

: Eternal Cognitive Locations I loved Matt Webb’s short post about driving in the dark, listening to the Twin Peaks …

: Don’t think about making art. Just get it done. Let everyone else decide whether it’s good or bad, …

: Some Recent Botanicals

: Regents Canal


: UVA: Synchronicity A few images from the penultimate day of the UVA : Synchronicity show at 180 …


: “I don’t have a philosophy. I have a camera. I look into the camera and take pictures. …

: In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth. …

: Primrose Hill, December 2022

: “All the technique in the world doesn’t compensate for the inability to notice.” …

: Jubilee Pool, Penzance, September 2023

: Going Critical Going Critical — Melting Asphalt I’ve had this essay stashed in my to read pile for ages and …

: “You must cultivate activities that you love. You must discover work that you do, not for its …

: Action Bias or "Do Something" Back in the day, famed Broadway director Gower Champion was directing a musical. With time pressure …

: “One of the few things I know about writing is this: spend it all, shoot it, play it, lose it, …


: They work as if this were the natural thing to do; they create as if this were the natural thing to …




: The Peace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my …

: …in design (of websites, or home decor, or clothing) having the most sophisticated of …


: A Fresh Coat of Moss You should embrace the visceral quality in reading. Read mostly fiction. Read slowly. There is a …



: When [a man] puts a thing on a pedestal and calls it beautiful, he demands the same delight from …


: Complicated vs Complex Recently, I heard Arthur C Brooks discuss the difference between complicated and complex problems on …


: Democratically elected governments can to some degree adapt to spatially extended responsibility, …

: Loved this from James Hill, via Alan Jacobs: Eve Arnold, the wonderful Magnum photographer, used to …

: “I was not suited for this world, but I am suited for the world I have created” —La …

: Walking with a Butterfly Net I love this quote I read in a recent Austin Kleon post — Lewis Hyde explaining why he still takes …

: Week Notes 018 — W/E 6 August 2023 A mostly deskbound week with a few pleasant exceptions. I’d left my VAT to the last minute, …

: “Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream is sometimes filled with blood from people …

: “You’ll never meet a hater who’s doing better than you.” — David Goggins via Kallaway x Creator Lab

: Week Notes 017 — W/E 30 July 2023 No shoots booked — the first clear week in a couple of months. So nice to get time to clear up all …

: A nice accidental collage in Finder while gathering images for my new website.

: Week Notes 016: W/E 23 July 2023 I had to turn around the edit for my Wimbledon pictures over the previous weekend, which was a pain …

: Week Notes 013, 014, 015 — W/E 2, 9, and 16 July 2023 I shot at the Serpentine summer do. It vies with the V&A for the coolest June art party, and for …

: Week Notes 010, 011, 012 — W/E 11 June, 18 June, and 25 June 2023 Another set of week notes bundled for your reading (dis)pleasure… I don’t think it’s worth …

: Week Notes 007, 008, 009 — W/E 21 May, 28 May, and 4 June 2023 I’ve missed a bunch of these, so I’m bundling them up into quick summaries and kicking …

: A certain kind of photography is in no small part a craft of access. Get access, and all you need to …

: I found this short poem in a text file from 2016 while clearing out my Dropbox: A warm full moon …

: Week Notes 004, 005 & 006 — W/E 30 April, 7 May & 14 May 2023 I missed the last three weeks of weeknotes. A weekend ran away from me, followed by two more …

: In between pictures from 25 hours in Venice. 📷

: Dil Green on the difference between care and cleverness: Care is regenerative. If you care for …

: In flight street photography 📷

: A Transcendental Gap “With your thought you can’t encapsulate everything that an apple is, because you forgot to taste …

: I loved this Walkie Talkie Interview with NYC-based, Thai photographer Poupay Jutharat (Jutharat …

: Avoid confusing the editor’s cold detachment with the inner critic. The critic doubts the …

: Skylines and gateways 📷 From my collaborative newsletter, Signal Chain, with @duncangeere@vis.social

: Present, Spacious, Alive Following on from the previous post, I loved this podcast/dharma talk Christian Dillo on the case …

: Christian Dillo on Pain and Letting Go I. We need to reverse the habituated get-away-from-pain …

: Week Notes 003 — W/E 23 April 2023 Work Shot one small commercial job. Finished the edit over the weekend and just dispatched the …

: Marguerite Humeau — meys, White Cube Bermondsey, April 2022 📷

: Some Favourite Jazz Albums A few jazz recommendations that were too good to languish solely in a reply to …

: Northern Soul at Rivoli Ballroom, June 2022 📷

: There Should Be A Guy by Max Lavergne There should be a guy who every morning rides his bicycle down to the main street …

: Pride, London, 2022 📷

: LA Foods, Queen’s Crescent, 2022 📷

: Vaugines, France, 2018 📷

: Outside Tottenham Court Road station 📷

: # Week Notes 002 — W/E 15 April 2023 On Wednesday I shot installation pictures before an evening event in the cloisters and garden at …

: Recorder and rollerskates, Oxford Street 📷

: Westminster Abbey after hours. 📷

: Two incredible Tiny Desk Concerts: Fred Again.. — a beautiful blend of technical skill and pure soul …

: From glitchy and dark… Drumcorps — Night Ride …to intricate and beautiful Mammal Hands …

: Street Photography Tip: Have a Reason A quick tip that improved my street photography and made me more comfortable working closer to …

: Week Notes 001 — W/E 9 Apr 2023 Why Weeknotes? I decided to start writing weeknotes as a forcing function to help me release at …

: Exactly a year ago today 📷

: Shards of light at The Barbican. 📷

: Shot at the Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art while visiting for the Morandi show. 📷